
When I was in college, a Psychology Society officer asked me make a T-shirt design for the Psychology Society semester T-shirt and I kinda drafted this, but I have decided on not using this for the tee design because this art is really personal. It's my projection of the freedom that I was deprived of. Its been really quite long until I realized what freedom really is and I am kinda happy now. I'm not telling that I am free now, it's just that I found another definition of the word. According to Lydia Sicher freedom is "a matter of conviction" and an attitude towards the self within this cosmos that we are living. The moment we see our self as an integral part of this universe, and actively playing a role in society,which Alfred Adler calls social interest or social feeling, then that per se is freedom. And great freedom always goes with great responsibility.

"Individuation requires exercise of responsibility for responsibility for oneself and, as a functioning entity within the extrapersonal entity of the world, co-responsibility for the welfare of others. Freedom is an ethical outlook on life. The free person knows that he is his brother Abel's keeper; the person at liberty proves--in most cases, at least--that he has not violated moral laws of his society through he may not have kept the ethical laws inherent in the community of man." - Lydia Sicher

Why Into Nowness?

So why Nowness? Link: Yesterday is gone, and tomorrow never comes William Moulton Mraston asked 3000 person. "What have you to live for." He was shocked to find out that almost 95% are simply bearing the present while they wait for tomorrow; parents wait for children to grow up, and old people to die. They are waiting for tomorrow without realizing that all everyone has is today; because yesterday is gone and tomorrow never comes.---Douglas Luston Power of Positive Living

"The past is gone. The future has not yet come. The present is all we have. We cannot change the past nor can we draw upon the future. But we can use the present. Time is does not begin at once to live and count each day as a separate life." ---Sereca

The most important things in the world are in the here and now. So seize the moment while its still there before you loose it and cry in despair.

Thinking about becoming Vegan

Lesbian Podcast

My Other Birds

We had six birds before and they all died gradually. I never gave too much attention on them that fact that they were'nt mine but my pop's. Perhaps I was too busy with school and with other things. But now pops got another five birds from his friend, and now a newly hatched egg (hatched a few weeks ago)--a bird I named Six. I love them all even if they aren't attending to Six's needs. Well, they're birds, living in a small community inside a world they call there own, a world I call a cage--a prison cell.

Six, My Sixth

He/she's just soooo cute I couldn't help it. I named him/her Six because he/she is my sixth bird, and also the first from a hatched egg. I think I'm so attached with this bird I always think about how he/she is doing or if he/she has eaten (sometimes he/she doesn't eat). Six is very isolated among my other birds, probably because he/she's too young for the others. Six is still exploring the world around him; the world i knew he/she would hate (a prisoner in a cage--deprived from knowing and exploring the big world out there where he/she is supposed to be). But I guess its fate that lead him here. Even as a little bird, he/she is now on his/her own that even his/her own mother doesn't care no more. Poor one. But I do. What's so different about this bird is that he/she's not afraid about foreign animals (predators like cats) and which worries me the most. Those cats are gonna eat him/her and Six is just standing there doing nothing even if cats try to attack him/her due to the fact that seldom those cats climb the big cage and try to reach my birds. I don't hate those cats, i love cats. It is nature, they just happen to be on the upper part of the food chain, while the birds are on the lower part. It's instinct, which they are branded for. Gosh, I cannot believe I don't know Six's biological sex.

The Transitoriness of Life

All composite things are doomed to extinction. These are drawings illustrating the ephemerality of life; that we live to die, and die to live. Drew this on 2007.


This is one of my many screwed up water color paintings, which I did when I was on college. I probably was so emo, most of my previous paintings are associated with negative feelings, sometimes with introspection, and loneliness; because I first and foremost am introspective, alone but not at all lonely. Anyway, it is always good to have solitude--some time alone. Some people cannot appreciate it because they are not willing to know their selves better, or are probably too sick, too afraid, to coward to know the truth about themselves. Like they always say, "Truth hurts." and it fucking does!

Video Game Addiction

The Reason Why I am Saving Money

Jung family (decendants of the infamous and greatest Swiss Psychologist, Carl Guztav Jung) decides to finally have the Red Book (Jung's unpublished material, which is also his greatest and most influential book ever written) open to public for publishing. Hence, the moment of truth..

You are the reason why I am saving money (aside from school tuition fee).

Someone I can be a Total Geek with

via by Eat Sleep Draw

Teleology of Man: His Death

Man (literally the word is gender insensitive, but let me just use the word "man" to refer to both sexes or genders) is a purposive being, phenomenologically existing, and living the transient borrowed life in this planet, which is only a flyspeck in the cosmic universe. Man has an end as Gautama Buddha said "all composite things are doomed to extinction." man as a composite being then, is subjected to his fate.
If only I was like Veronika, death would have been easier, unfortunately i am as sane (or rather insane) as you and as fearful to death as majority of people living in the cosmos.
In just as I am curious as a cat, I am wondering how it was like to be in Veronika's neurotic mind, or more like psychotic than neurotic since i already am the former like everyone in the planet is. freud said we have a degree of insanity in all of us. He and other psychologists, psychotherapists, psychoanalysts are not an exemption, nor am I or you.
So what is man's purpose then? Death is his or her purpose as some people would say, but Existentialist Victor Frankl said that man must find meaning in life. Meaning varies according to individuals and changes depending on the situation. Frankl added that we can find meaning in love, in work and others. It is not necessary that we have a meaning in life in general sense but meaning in all aspects of the parts that make up the whole.
I am blogging now because I find meaning in this endeavor as i find meaning in reading or in going to school or in working. Veronika found meaning in death and so she decided on giving up the life that was given to her. it was freedom that she found.
Yes, suicide is psychologically speaking, a form of escape pattern, but verinoka sees it otherwise. perhaps, in order to really understand the human psyche is to look at things in a neurotic's or psychotic's perspective, dig deep, and have an open mind.
I am suddenly reminded of the movie "The Cell" starred by Jennifer Lopez. She was a child psychologist who journeys through the mind of a comatosed serial killer to find a missing girl. It was then that she found the morbid events that happened to him as a child that influenced his later personality. The task wasn't easy but she understood what it was like to be trapped inside trauma with the darkest of the memories the human psyche can contain.
While I was reading Veronika, it was like journeying through her mind, knowing and understanding her narrow but meaningful perspective. She finds meaning in her situation and she found happiness even if she decides to end it all.
By the way, I am looking forward to watching the movie adaptation of the book. It was released first on Brazil, Poland, and Sweeden in August and October 2009. For UK, USA, and hopefully in Asia; the release is scheduled on 2010.

FFS Coin Finder

Unlike other Facebook games, there is no other existing hack or cheat for Friends For Sale except through Greasemonkey, a Firefox;extension that allows users to install scripts for augmented browsing. ffs coin finder scrip randomly browses friends' ffs walls looking for coins. This lessens the time ffs users usually consume when manually looking for coins for increased cash.

ffs coin finder script source code below:

// ==UserScript==
// @name           Friends For Sale Coin Finder
// @namespace      FriendsForSale
// @description    CoinFinder
// @include*
// Friends For Sale Coin Bot
// ==/UserScript==

// Add jQuery
    var GM_JQ = document.createElement('script');
    GM_JQ.src = '';
    GM_JQ.type = 'text/javascript';

// Check if jQuery's loaded

    function GM_wait() {
        if(typeof unsafeWindow.jQuery == 'undefined') { window.setTimeout(GM_wait,100); }
    else { $ = unsafeWindow.jQuery; letsJQuery(); }
    // All your GM code must be inside this function
    function letsJQuery() {
        if(window.location == "")
            window.location = "";
            // Find out if the coin on the website.
            // Note that querySelectorAll is only available in Firefox 3.5 and above
            var coin = document.querySelectorAll("#app7019261521_hover_container > [id^=app7019261521_the_coin]");
            if (coin.length == 1) {
                var c = coin[0].firstChild;
                var value = parseInt($(c).text());
                // 500k - 999k is a mock value, FFS use it to detect bots
                if (value >= 500 && value <= 999) {
                    var prev = document.querySelector("a.prev");
                    window.location = prev;
                } else {
                    window.location = c.href;
            } else if (coin.length == 0) {
                var prev = document.querySelector("a.prev");
                window.location = prev;

WordTrotter by Filipino Developer

I'm so fucked up I missed Wordtrotter online game. But gibberish as I am now, in no way will I let the chance to playing it depart from me. Created by Gil De Palma, Wordtrotter will be the next big word game for Filipino Facebook users. I hate bugs, but let see whether that would change.

And oh yeah I figured downloading one for my desktop. I'm sure pops and mum will love to play it too. And talk about games, I have not played any Facebook games lately. I have been busy with projects QS, SC and this (don't ask or start guessing)...Or maybe not. :p

// ==UserScript==
// @name Friends For Sale Coin Finder
// @namespace FriendsForSale
// @description CoinFinder
// @include*
// Friends For Sale Coin Bot
// ==/UserScript==

// Add jQuery
var GM_JQ = document.createElement('script');
GM_JQ.src = '';
GM_JQ.type = 'text/javascript';

// Check if jQuery's loaded

function GM_wait() {
if(typeof unsafeWindow.jQuery == 'undefined') { window.setTimeout(GM_wait,100); }
else { $ = unsafeWindow.jQuery; letsJQuery(); }

// All your GM code must be inside this function
function letsJQuery() {
if(window.location == "")
window.location = "";
// Find out if the coin on the website.
// Note that querySelectorAll is only available in Firefox 3.5 and above
var coin = document.querySelectorAll("#app7019261521_hover_container > [id^=app7019261521_the_coin]");
if (coin.length == 1) {
var c = coin[0].firstChild;
var value = parseInt($(c).text());
// 500k - 999k is a mock value, FFS use it to detect bots
if (value >= 500 && value <= 999) {
var prev = document.querySelector("a.prev");
window.location = prev;
} else {
window.location = c.href;
} else if (coin.length == 0) {
var prev = document.querySelector("a.prev");
window.location = prev;

Open Heaven, Open Happiness

While I was in Manila, I took this picture and edited it to make it look like Coca-Cola is heaven's gift to all due to the reason that I wasn't allowed to drink coke at the time (I had skin disease). Secondly, I am a fan of Open Happiness.

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