March Resolution

Good morning. I will start my day happy and end it happy. Today I am at the library waiting for my students. They are late again. I don't wanna flare up ever. So, I'm just gonna chill. If they don't come, they miss half of their lives that they could have experienced with me. Aside from that, they would miss seeing me stunning with my new outfit, which I will be posting later. Another is, they are gonna miss my in depth discussion on the topic that I am about to discuss.

Speaking of the new topic, below is the power point presentation I made, and which can be downloaded on my SlideShare.

My Sweet Escape

sleep, my only sweet escape
should You allow me this gift forever
in this sweet and merciful embrace
like wings of iridescent splendor wrap around me
like in the tranquility and security of a mother's womb
i shall be forlorn and down in the dumps no longer
for in slumber all my dreams come true
not even destiny has power over me
in your might, grant me my sweetest escape

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