I've Got New Email!

Twitter Email

Tired of shallow Twitter emails saying "BlahBlah is now following you on Twitter."? If so, Twitmailer is the answer to the problem. Twitmailer is a Twitter email notification that has a  "Follow Back" option within the email message. It dispays the follower's profile picture, recent tweets and website right from the email.


Twimailer is a middle man that intercepts the emails you receive from twitter and spruces it up before sending it to you!

The traditional email from twitter would only tell you whether you follow the person or not. But twimailer has a host of features. You can immediately follow back the people who have become your fans. You get to see the number of followers and friends your new follower has as well as their complete bio. Updates from the follower are also displayed.

For twimailer to be able to send you mail, you need to first enter the email that you have specified for your twitter account. After verification, twimailer would send you a new email that you need to set as your email id at twitter.

Take a look at this:

See?  It makes life easier.


Whack Tweeple Who Don't Reciprocate

Unfollowing tweeps not following you is really wicked and a rude thing to do, but if you are looking for a client that has its features then Twiiter Karma is just the right Twitter app for you.
Twiiter Karma is a Flash application that fetches your friends and followers from Twitter when you click the “Whack!” button, then displays them for you, letting you quickly paginate through them. By default, the list contains all your friends and followers and is sorted by last update, showing those who most recently updated first. You can sort the list alphabetically either ascending or descending by Twitter ID. You can filter the list in several ways: only friends or only followers, all friends or all followers, and mutual friends.

Twitter Karma

See the buttons?
Twitter Karma

Like I said, reciprocating is a virtue. :)


Analyze Your Tweets With Twitual And Friend Or Follow

Twitual is a Twitter app that helps you analyze tweeps who follow you,  tweeps followed by you, tweeps who are both friends and followers of you, tweeps who follow, but you don't follow back, and tweeps who you follow, but who don't follow back. Just enter your Twitter username (password not required), and let Twitual analyze.


Here is my analysis: @jeelchristine


However, there's a downside to this since Twitual does not let you unfollow Twitter users who doesn't follow your tweets but Twitter Karma does.

Friend Or Follow is similar to Twitual that it lets you view who are your followers in Fans category, tweeps who you are not following you back in Following category and, tweeps who are following you back in Friends category. And you can see all these tweeps' profile pictures. It does not require a password for your username. Just like TwitualFriend Or Follow does not let you unfollow tweeps who are not following you or follow those who you are not following but are following you.

Friend or Follow

And here is my result for Friends, or tweeps who I am following back.

Friend or Follow


Analyze Your Tweets With Twitter Effect

Twitter Effect is a Twitter tool that lets you analyze which tweets made you gain followers and which tweets made you lose followers.  Just visit Twitter Effect website and log in your Twitter username (password is not required). Through  your last 200 updates, you can get information of your follower count changes.

Twitter is a great way to keep in contact, distribute news and generally tell people what you are up to. The success of Twitter users is generally measured in the amount of people that follow your updates.

You get information on your Twitter profile as to how many people follow you and you get notified when someone follows you. However, there is no notification when someone stops following you and you generally don’t have any insight into when people follow or leave you.

This is where the TweetEffect comes in - simply enter your twitter name and we analyze your 200 latest updates and flag those up that made people follow or leave you.

Twitter Effect
Here is mine:

Twitter Effect
In my last 200 updates, I had no changes in my follower numbers. I've got loyal followers. That's great news!


Can't Exceed 140 Characters For Your Tweets?

Can't exceed 140 characters for your Twitter updates? when sometimes there's more to say than 140 characters.

Problem solved!

Twerbose lets you post, comment tweets with longer characters, and insert images and videos in your tweets, now that is really cool.


XLTweet comes from the creator of TwitWall, also extends your twitter character capability to beyond 140 characters. XLTweet will tweet the first 120 characterss, create a bit.ly short url similar to Twitter's tiny url, then save the rest on your own XLTweet page. Also, XLTweet automatically adds your XLTweet generated tweets to your favorites just in case you forgot XLTweet link.


BiggerTwitter is an addon rather a Twitter clone that lets you post massive tweets and is posted directly to your Twitter profile.


TwitLonger is created by a freelance developer Stuart Gibson. TwitLonger longers your tweets beyond 140. TwitLonger automatically tweets your updates to your Twitter profile. However, there is a google adsense at the bottom of the tweets generated by TwitLonger.


Though these Twitter extensions deviates to the idea of micro-blogging, they are still great extensions for twittering beyond 140 characters, especially when sharing links that do not fit the limited number of characters.

Problem Solved!


Turning Twitter Into A Feed (Tweet) Reader

If Google Reader is capable of marking Read and Unread to your subscribed feeds, a new Twitter client called TwitteReader is also capable of marking Read and Unread to your friend's Twitter updates. You may also star items that are added to your favorite tweets.

TwitteReader is simple unlike Google Reader, which has advanced features such a sidebar containing your favorite blogsites, and on the main window are the entries from these websites. Google Reader is capable of item sharing such as this one (my  shared items). However, TwitteReader also  has great features, like:

  1. Offline marking and unmarking read messages

  2. Page system

  3. Shortcut keys r-refresh, k-up and j-down

  4. No signup required

  5. Update Twitter (send messages) and reply to users

  6. Delete updates

  7. Favorite and unfavorite messages

  8. Message parser

  9. Messages auto-reload each 5 minutes

Take a look at my TwitteReader:

my twittereader

Addons include:

  1. marking system was remade. It is now based on offline marking (and unmarking) and on refresh or on leave of the "read" page, it will store the marks online. Much faster user interface and only one AJAX communication with the server

  2. when users delete messages, the system now detects them and delete their record on the database as well

  3. page system added. Each page has its own unread counter

  4. code reviewed and commented. Stable beta version 0.23 zipped and shared

  5. 'r' key, shortcut for refresh button added

  6. signup isn't required anymore. Twitter users login with their username and password and start reading right away

  7. update Twitter over TwitteReader is now available. Just like in Twitter, you have your 140 characters to write and the update button

  8. unique link to message added to the options bar

  9. favorite status icon added. Soon editable

  10. reply icon added. Soon available

  11. number of characters left reset after submited update

  12. reply feature working

  13. @username links bug fixed

  14. create/remove favorite now available

  15. works on smaller screens now. Key interface was getting scroller to jump around

  16. remember username featu re added. Also, if you have save passwords on your browser, when username is inserted, it can fill in your password automatically and if there is a username a nd password it auto-logins

  17. delete (own) messages now available

  18. message parser updated. Well parsed urls and @username links

  19. after some feedback I've set mysql_real_escape_string() to all comunication variables

  20. install instructions for self hosting released

  21. shortcuts now working on IE (7 at least)

  22. shortcuts (keys) interface interaction optimized. Some bugs fixed

To sum it all up, TwitteReader is an extension to Twitter. Read More.

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