Twitter Announces No Reality TV Show

The fast growing micro-blogging social network  Twitter is said to have announced its team up with Reveille Productions and Brillstein Entertainment Partners to develop a TV show that will transform the way people communicate as Howard T. Owen, Managing Director of Reveille said in his statement on Monday, May 25, 2009.

Previous blogs reported that Novelist and screen writer Amy Ephron made the concept of the said reality TV series, and is founded by NBC Entertainment executive Ben Silverman. Among the said Executive Producers of the show are Mark Koops and Howard T. Owens of Reveille,  Jon Liebman and Lee Kernis of Brillstein and Kevin Foxe and Steve Latham.

However, Twitter's Biz Stone made it clear that there is no official TV show, but the creators of  Twitter are open to possibilities, and that they are not limiting Twitter only to the cyber world.

Twitter’s Biz Stone has confirmed that Twitter has signed a contract with production company Reveille and Brillstein for a TV show, but emphasizes that this is not an “official” Twitter show - it’s a non-exclusive contract, and multiple companies are currently working on TV projects related to Twitter. (more)



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ммм )) симпотичный блог ;)
Не думал сменить движок? Поставить ещё пару плагинови будет гораздо безопаснее..ну это вот это будет красиво действительно :)
Кстати , ты какой хоcTuHg используешь? =)

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