I use Twitter for personal use, and for future professional use. Aside from Twitter as my catharsis, I get to share to others my interests through the Tinyurl, share pictures in Twitpic and even share music in Twiturm. Just like Facebook, I can also update my status or post in what I am doing. The conversations I get to have with few twitter users feed my thirst because these social conversations online are basically different in the real world. What I get to share online are interest I cannot extensively share with others in the real world due to creative differences.
Aside from Twitter, I use Twitter clients like TwitterFox for my Mozilla Firefox browser, Twitter Google Gadget for my Google Desktop and FriendFeed to share my blog feeds and other feeds for Facebook, Goodreads, Delicious, Twitter, Last.Fm and so on, since Twitter for mobile devices is not yet available here in the Philippines.
For more Twitter Applications, click here.
Below are Top 21 twitter clients according to TwitStat.
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Read More: The Top 21 Twitter Clients (According To TwitStat)
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