Living In A Horrible Society

photo taken from Angelspit


A LAW EACH DAY (Keeps Trouble Away)

By Jose C. Sison

Friday, June 13, 2008


Crimes committed due to extreme want or hunger or for purely economic reasons are usually those crimes against property like stealing and other fraudulent schemes to obtain somebody else's belongings and resources. The most common examples of this kind of crimes are the pickpockets or bag or cell phone snatchers and illegal recruiters. (READ MORE..)

The question is:


The answers are:

1. Every individual exist in a continually changing world of experiences of which he is the center.

2. The organism reacts to the field as it is experienced and perceived. This perceptual field is, for the individual "REALITY"

3. The organism reacts as an organized whole to this phenomenal field.

4. The organism has basic tendency for and striving -- to actualize, MAINTAIN and enhance the experiencing organism.

5. The behavior is basically goal-directed attempt to the organism to satisfy its needs as experienced, in the field are perceived.


6. Human beings have choices and are responsible for the acts committed.


Friends Vs. Leeches

From Angelspit zines

photo taken from Angelspit

Sometimes, you cannot trust people around you. So make sure who your real friends are and cut all the leeches out.

I was still on my first year in the Psychology program where I experienced being betrayed by a friend, not just any friend but a close friend. It was then that I learned my lesson, that I cant trust anyone.  I have lots of friends, but I know too well who my real friends are.

"Bring not every man into thine house: for the deceitful man hath many trains. Like as a partridge taken [and kept] in a cage, so is the heart of the proud; and like as a spy, watcheth he for thy fall: For he lieth in wait, and turneth good into evil, and in things worthy praise will lay blame upon thee. Of a spark of fire a heap of coals is kindled: and a sinful man layeth wait for blood. Take heed of a mischievous man, for he worketh wickedness; lest he bring upon thee a perpetual blot. Receive a stranger into thine house, and he will disturb thee, and turn thee out of thine own."

(Apocrypha: Sirach 11:29-34: Careful In choosing Friends.)


Jerkhood: Women Always Blamed

Genesis 2 :4-25 Creation second tale –The garden of Eden _ Genèse 2 :4-25 Création second tale - Le jardin d’Eden

God asked, "Have you eaten from the tree that I commanded you not to eat from?"
Adam replied, "This woman you put here with me gave me a fruit from the tree, and I ate it."
In other words, the woman is to blame!
Want evidences?

Don't blame girls, women
By Jacqueline E. Woods

The American Association of University Women (AAUW) is troubled by recent suggestions that girls and women are somehow to blame for the fact that boys are not excelling in certain academic areas. Is there a "gender war" being waged against boys, as some have claimed?

Gender inequity in education is a complex issue. Two years ago, AAUW published "Beyond the 'Gender Wars,' " a summary of the views of some of America's foremost researchers of boys and girls regarding a range of gender-equity questions. One of the major conclusions shared by these researchers was that we do not need to "fix the boys" or "fix the girls."

Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Blame the woman

Once again, women are simply too fat and too old, according to this recent article about rising maternal mortality rates in England. Oh, and they have the audacity to want a natural birth--which of course the article didn't bother to define--another alleged culprit behind rising mortality rates!

From the article:

But some medical staff and patient groups also fear the NHS's policy to encourage "natural" birth without medical assistance is putting women at risk by denying them medical care in pregnancy and labour. Professor James Dornan, director of foetal medicine at the Royal Maternity hospital in Belfast, said: "Nature dictates that one in every 100 women will die while having a baby. The mortality rate in parts of Africa is now about 850 to 1,000 per 100,000. Left to nature that is what nature will do. I believe in women having choice but it has got to be informed choice.

From The Sunday Times
November 25, 2007
Maternity deaths rise
Sarah-Kate Templeton

THE number of maternity deaths in Britain has increased over the past three years with doctors blaming increasing obesity, older mothers and the drive towards "natural" birth.

Blame The Woman
Susan Estrich

It's all her fault. She made him do it. Don't blame Paul Wolfowitz, World Bank President, for his breach of ethics in negotiating a transfer and pay raise for his longtime girlfriend. Blame her.

That is, essentially, what Mr. Wolfowitz argued in his response to the highly critical report from the committee investigating his actions. She was the villain, not him. Ms. Riza was so "extremely angry and upset," that the ethics panel that reviewed the question of whether she could remain in her position, and concluded she couldn't, was afraid to confront her themselves, leaving it to him to handle the details of moving her out of her job. "Its [the ethics committee's] members did not want to deal with a very angry Ms. Riza, whose career was being damaged as a result of their decision," Wolfowitz writes in his written response to the just-released report. "It would only be human nature for them to want to steer clear of her." As for the resolution he reached, Wolfowitz argues that he was forced to grant her a $50,000 annual pay raise as part of the transfer not because he wanted to, but because her "intractable position" left him with no choice if he hoped to preempt his girlfriend from suing him.

I wish she had.

Women Are to Blame
Abdul Rahman Al-Samari • Al-Jazirah

Visit any mall or market in this country and you will find out that the overwhelming majority of shoppers are women.

Being the customer targeted by every merchant and business, it is no wonder that the country is now awash with shops selling everything of possible interest to women.

Being the driving force behind the mushrooming shopping centers, women are also responsible for bringing into the country armies of salesmen, distributors, drivers, promoters and others involved in commerce. All of them are of course foreigners. Promotional campaigns targeting women alone are not confined to our cities but are normal in Cairo, Beirut, Dubai, Paris and London.

Not content with what they can carry, many women are accompanied by servants pushing large loaded trolleys filled with all kinds of goods. It is as if the shops would close tomorrow and never open again.

On an average, between 30 and 50 percent of the things purchased will remain in their plastic bags and wrapping until the time comes for them to be thrown away, never having been used. Once at home, there are some women who sift through the contents to determine what is useful and what is not. They will soon discover that unneeded items have been purchased and in the end, only part of what has been bought will be kept. Some working women with salaries of SR14,000 a month do not hesitate to spend that entire amount on shopping.

Banks, too, have entered the game, providing women with credit cards in order to encourage them to buy more. Not surprisingly, many women end up saddled with huge debts.

In hospitals, women patients outnumber men. Not all of them suffer from physical ailments since many are there for cosmetic and plastic surgery to improve their shape and appearance. Here, too, a thriving business has developed with doctors' appointment diaries fully booked for months, if not years.

A newcomer in the business is restaurants, many of which have opened special family sections that in some cases occupy a space larger than all the rest of the restaurant itself. Were it not for our spendthrift women who lavish on everything once money flows into their hands, we wouldn't have these millions of foreign workers.

Italy: The Energy of Outrage
As economy falters, women made to blame

by Maria Nadotti
Does Berlusconi expect his wife Veronica to "buy cheaper goods"? Corbis Sygma

Guess who Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi suddenly cares about? "The Voghera housewife." Voghera is the equivalent of a small, somewhat provincial U.S. city, and most Italian politicians contemptuously regard "housewives" as incarnating the lowest form of civic consciousness - e.g., dumb.

But housewives or not, Italian women are smarter - and now angrier - than politicians think.

For instance, we know all too well about the increasing poverty the Euro monetary system has created in Italy: financial speculation, a skyrocketing increase in the cost of living, plus runaway growth in unemployment and "flexibility," a euphemism meaning "disposable and redundant" when applied to the labor force. Meanwhile, Italians face the erosion of their welfare state - formerly one of the most efficient social-services delivery systems in Europe - due to brutal cuts in public funds and increasing privatization of such services as education and health. Especially for women - employed, unemployed, working at home, native-born, or immigrant - this is a crisis.

Are women always blamed? What about the men?

Larry Crab in his book THE SILENCE OF ADAM, says that that Adam didn't protect Eve. Instead, Adam remained silent. He could have said "Sweatheart, what are you doing talking to that slimy Mr. Snake? I'm your husband and I will not just stand here while he lies to you and robs you. I will protect you. Stand back while I whack that creature on his head."

Did Adam ever took responsibilty for having eaten the fruit?

According to Bo Sanchez, men have not taken responsibility for the spiritual life of their families, and that men have not been aggressive enough to care for ther wives, their children and there communities.

What do men do then?

Where is then people's sense of responsibility?

Women! Speak! Are we to blame?

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