Freezing Hell

dark forest
dark forest

When I was cleaning my room, I bumped into pieces of yellow papers where I wrote some of my works that I must have forgotten ever existed.

Freezing Hell

It was snowing, the night was quiet, the moon was showing her spotless features. It was December in nobody-knows-where, nobody-cares-where land of the hopeless and disembodied spirits, where they shivered in cold, moan in pain, squall for life; died with frostbite in their souls eating them slowly---piercing them from their filthy and unforgivable sins. It was hell only without the flames of eternal fire.

She sat there watching the others who are like her; hungry, thirsty, and suffering for the love and the life that were taken away by her enemies who devoured her happiness; who drowned her in the cold and freezing black waters of nobody-knows where foul oceans of lie and lust. Unfortunately, a sudden immerse cognition came to her---that her enemy is no other than the young lass she sees on her mirror. She's a hazard to herself, she always thought.

She sobbed.

The night was cold, stale and frigid. The foul smell of the dead like burned ashes of bones, tissues and organs, the aroma like fragrance of the morning for those who have been there all there lives. The irony is that they never wanted the place to their home ground, but never can they change what they believe to be destined-----to suffer and die. to endure the pain is the only goal left for existence. Hunger and thirst were no longer enemies, because both were no longer a novelty to them. Apathy was no longer a crime. It was life.

The darkness that enveloped the sky was their only food. The only safe place to be with was to gather around with the rest of the others who are like them living in the shadows of shame, despair and helplessness but she wasn't. She chose to be distant from the others as a form of atonement for all her lies. It was the life they've created for themselves. A life in freezing hell.

Everytime she picked up that razor, she felt life beforehand. And everytime she penetrated it on her slender pale flesh, she felt alive. The blood that dripped from her flesh to the filthy ground reminds her of the dammed life that she's living. Everytime she took in the pills, she began breathing and smelling the perfume-like ocean, touching the thorns, and grasping tightly the thorny wires. Blood spilled again to the same ground where she fell on her knees.

The guilt feelings that she hid inside her are consuming her, eating her soul, gradually inflicting self hate. The more she suffered the pain, the more the anger intensified. It's cut too deep----too deep that the wound would never heal until the day of reckoning, until the day she will be ripped apart into teensy-weensy pieces; burned into frozen ashes until all particles of her will be dispersed in the world that she hated.



On Leahy's

Ph.D. in Psychology
Ph.D. in Psychology

According to Thomas H. Leahey, the traditional history of science was written by scientist themselves that resulted in smug and self-satisfied works, which made them biased in a certain extent that they only considered accounts in the development of science that they want to reckon. However, historians have written history on a different framework, seeing history of science as a weak human enterprise unresolvable from the rest of human history, imposing fear among scientist that this nontraditional perception on the history of science may influence their students to undermine their faith in science.

Despite the development of the History of Psychology, it is evident that much of psychology’s past have been ignore such that chapters on the books on History of Psychology provide no sense of the past and of what is like to be a psychologist, a physiologist or a philosopher before. Thus rationalizes Topics in History of Psychology is history without the past; also justifying Ebbinghaus’ famous line that “Psychology has a very short history, but with a long past.”

Even scholars or psychologist are historically ignorant about studying the field without even considering events happening outside the field that could have been significant in the study of psychology. In addition, they are shallow in a sense that even they who write about the History of Psychology commit mistakes, lacking depth of intellect or knowledge and concerned only with what is obvious resulting in many errors that new psychology historians have corrected and repeatedly written. Therefore justifying why we only have few references, whereas other books have become obsolete and others were never used.

In Leahey's article, mistakes on the study Psychology were emphasized, including how psychology historians or scholars place value judgments to the extent of writing one’s own perspective rather than putting focus on different perspective. For instance, Edwin G. Boring’s first textbook was not only published as reference book but also has a deeper motive, which is to be used as a defense weapon against John B. Watson’s growing Behaviorism.

Psychology historians have no respect for the value of the past not realizing that everything in the past influences the present; that the past plays an important role in the development of the theories in psychology that we have right now. This is what they consider as Whig and can be linked with the presentist point of view—looking at history from the present perspectives and ideas as a product of the present. There is also an issue on internalism, whereby historians tend to have studied what was happening within the field without regards to what developments other fields have that could contribute to the development in the theories of psychology. In addition, psychology historians associate history with great men and undermining women, because women before have no stand or place in society, which is really discriminating. Furthermore, History of Psychology was represented by only few personalities whereas other great minds were ignored; thus, psychology historians focus on individuals rather than works. Lastly, they are ignorant and shallow that they only have limited view on the study as a result on the mistakes presented above.

As a psychology student, I would have to say that its disappointing that even scholars of the very own field that I am studying now are ignorant, that I also see myself like them. The fact that I have not known much and that I only remember few names and dates make me want to know more about psychology. And as mush as possible I would not want to commit same mistakes that those psychology scholars have committed in the study of the History of Psychology.


On Scientific Paradigm

arousal of paradigms
the creation of science

Okay, I'm a bit inspired by Khun. LOL
After nights of reading the book, it was worthwhile thiough I havent finished it.

Thomas S. Khun emphasized in his book “The Structure of Scientific Revolution” that a scientific community practices in reference to a set or rather sets of learned beliefs from accepted achievements or assumptions. And these beliefs become the foundation for learning and application. Paradigms are assumptions that contribute to the development of Normal Science, a research firmly based upon one or more past scientific achievements that some particular scientific community recognizes for the further research and practice, before a change or shift in paradigm occurs. These paradigms are being studied by students in order to gain membership to a certain scientific community. Basically the knowledge is being passed on to the students from their mentors, which may oftentimes lead to disagreement to basic principles due to student’s critical mindset or rather due to questions and inquiries formulated by them. However, researchers of the paradigm most often than not based their inquiries from the shared paradigm, and are committed to the rules and standards for the application of the certain paradigmic principles.

A paradigm is said to be of success and of having full potential to be of interest to scientists and scholars when it is a novelty rather a succeedent set of fundamentals based on another paradigm as a result of anomaly. From competition with a pre-paradigmic school, a paradigm emerges, especially when it seems to explain all facts which it was confronted with. Consequently pre-paradigms whose proponents never found their way out of the dilemma that they have been faced with, certainly entirely fades. This growing paradigm like an infant undergoes a process of development and within its development the more advocates it possesses, the greater is the probability for its strength to generate.

At its beginning a paradigm is limited in its scope and in precision, that is why mop-operations are relevant; and by which most researchers spend much of their time doing mopping. Thus, proceeding to more inquiries, and paradigm-based researching that “attempts to force nature into a pre-formed and relatively inflexible box that the paradigm supplies.” Anomalies usually happen but nobody seemed to have made effort to look for  anomalies since they are resticted and for those who tried to mostly were not tolerated. Sometimes the disadvantage of forcing nature to a box leads the paradigm to not function well that caused it to cease.

Researching, hence, is like solving puzzle that already has a fixed solution, thus discovering what was already known in advance. And when the result of what has already been anticipate (hypothesis) becomes null, and thereby, considered a failure. Because of the novel studies weren’t tolerated to compete with present beliefs, unexpected result in science happened.

A change in paradigm takes place as a result from discovery brought about by encounters with anomaly. And although Normal Science does not tolerate novelties, they are nonetheless challenged to pursue the belief, which would later on cause them to arise. Anomaly also excites the emergence of a change in an existing paradigm. This emergence occurs when a puzzle is being figured out. These failures are said to have been brought about by disparity and error between the new theory and the present fact.

The scientific revolution can be possible only if a novel theory is substituted to a present paradigm which occurring discrepancies doesn’t have a solution, thereby a failure, resulting in the denunciation of  the proponent for his disability to put the pieces of the puzzle back. And a paradigm shift, on the other hand is not considered a scientific revolution since it only based its inquiries on a particular paradigm. The assimilation of the new paradigm must be demanded them and the old paradigm be rejected. This is what scientific revolution means.

Indeed, progress in the fields of research and science became possible because of the structure of the past scientific methods and of course because of scientific revolution. Although there were lots of biases in the past, they became the tools for the development of science.


Cat Language and Behaviour

cat rolling on the grass
cat rolling on the grass


In communicating among themselves, cats are very adept. They recognize each other by odors and if they’re already become friends, they greet each other by rubbing each other’s noses, or they smell each other’s head and anal area. If they get along well, they rub against each other, marking the coats with their odors. That is also why cats rub on their owners.
Cats don’t posses vast vocabulary, yet their vocabulary is greater than that of dogs. They  produce sounds. Theodore Hoffmann once mentioned in his work “The Cat Murr” that “cat has the incredible gift of expressing the one word ‘meow’ in many ways---joy, pain, delight, abduction, fear, depression, in sum, all sensations and passions.” Cats born and raised in a home progress on individual character that they put into action. Therefore, it shows that cats can modify their behavior according to their present environment. When it enjoys its owner’s companionship, it shows its sincere affection.
A cat expresses itself with a meow, but within this sound shows many feelings like love, joy, anger, fear, pain, affection, depression, and many to mention, depending on the cat’s present situation or condition. Cats make over 100 different vocal sounds while dogs can only make 10. Since cats have greater vocabulary than dogs…they emit more than fifty different sounds during meeting. This sounds would vary in tone from harsh to acute. Cats posses a sweet sound, the purr, which is used to express joy, and affection. Some cats also purr when ill. The cat’s body language is expressed with more than sixty movement, such as tilting the head, the position of the tails and ears, and facial expression.
Tails are probably one of the best communication indicators that cats have. When the tail is arched and puffed out or bristled, the cat is  scared or  fearful and is ready  to attack or defends itself. When the tail is straight up in the air and fully puffed out or bristled, your cat is angry and is ready to attack. When the tail is straight up in the air and quivering a bit, the cat is ready to urinate in order to mark a territory. However, if the cat is neutered, without spraying urine, it is the cat’s way of saying hi. When the tail is straight up and unmoving, it’s a mother’s way of telling her kittens that she will inspect her hind. When the tail is straight up but the tip is tilted to one side, the cat is very interested to something and is happy and friendly. When the cat’s tail is straight up or just slightly raised and curved like a question mark, the cat is very excited and interested in something. When the tail is curved down and then back up again near the tip, the cat is relaxed and content. When the tail is still yet quivering or twitching, the cat is slightly irritated. When the tail is swishing from one side to side rapidly or violently, the cat is about to attack something, this, however can be seen during fights. When the tail is held to one side, the cat is giving a sexual invitation. When the tail is held low and puffed out or bristled, your cat is intensely afraid. Lastly, when the tail is held low and tucked between the hind legs, your cat is showing his submission or defeat.

Ears can also be used as communication indicators. When the ears are pointing forward and slightly outward, the cat is relaxed. When the ears are very straight and forward, your cat is listening to something that is exciting. When the ears are twitching nervously, the cat is nervous. When the ears are flat against the head, the cat is afraid and may attack. When ear are at the back or in between alert and defensive position, the cat is aggressive and may attack.

Cat’s eyes could be another communication indicator, particularly the pupils. Cat’s pupil change. This is because of the amount of light  in a certain room. However, if your cat becomes provoking, and enthusiastic and annoyed or irritated, his pupils will enlarge regardless of the amount of light in the room. When the eyes are wide open, the cat is awake and is ready to go. When the eyes are wide open with a little sparkle, the cat is feeling a little ill-behaved. When the eyes are half closed, the cat is relaxed and ready for the nap. However, this can also mean that the cat is ill. When the eyes are closed, the cat is obviously napping! When the eyes are blinking, especially in a slow matter, it means that the feline is satisfied.

Other behaviors like rolling its back and exposing the belly means that the cat trusts you that it is exposing the most vulnerable part of the body. When a cat kneads at his mommy, it is showing affection, thus when a cat kneads at it owner, it can   only mean one thing. It is showing affection. A cat snores when it is asleep. One-way of saying hello is through sniffing the owner’s faces.

Play Behaviors
Cats are freedom-loving creatures. They love playing, thus, toys should be provided. Among the prescribed toys are as follows: lightweight balls, wadded paper tied to the end of a string and some other stuff that make some noise. Boxes, paper bags, and dollhouses to crawl into are good examples. Other toys are also approved like ping-pong balls, golf balls, and tennis balls, left over wrapping papers. But if you want safe toys, chose one well-made toys that wont break during cat attacks. Remove tied-on bells, plastic eyes, button noses, and dangling strings that the cat could tear. Small items are definitely not allowed to avoid it from being swallowed. Strings, yarns, feathers, and the like are definitely a no-no!

A catnip is a cat stimulant, thus not to be used more often. However, a catnip is used to scent cat toys. When a cat smells the catnip, it acts like a drunk creature, rub its face to the toy, roll, and kick the object, and etc. the substance in it is the nepetalactone. The herb is not  addictive or harmful, thus, it is safe. Yet some cats do not care when exposed to the scent because some cats lack genes.

Growling and hissing means one thing—the cat means business and wants his privacy or else some cats will not hesitate to attack.

Territorial Marking Behaviors

Cats display such aggressive behaviors such as scratching and biting, spraying and rubbing. These are, however, some reasons why cat owners complain. Rubbing is one way of marking objects in their environment because cats are territorial animals. Cats defend its territory against foreign animals, even other cats. When rubbing, they leave odors that proved that he was the  first  one to  reside   in the  area.  Rubbing  against the  owners  legs is  more   than  showing affection, it rubs scent on the legs to show and mark that he is the owner of the cat. Or a cat may say “You are a part of my territory now. I own You!”

For the same reason, a cat sprays urine, territorialism. There are two kinds of getting urine out of the body. One of which, the cat squats that would show the elimination of urine. But when a cat sprays, it stands. The tail quivers as it sprays urine to mark walls. However, when a cat is spayed or neutered, the characteristics of the urine vanish. Clawing or Scratching doesn’t mean that the cat is misbehaving. It is still a territorial marking behavior. It also secrets scent from its paws and at the same time making the claws sharp. Since the claws are used for defense against enemies, it should be trimmed and sharpened. Other cats, however, do the behavior  in trees. That is why scratching posts are necessary for indoor cats. You an also have an alternative climbing scratching post.


Cat Psyche

cat playing with sofa
cat playing with sofa

The cat psychology is but a non ending topic, since cats psyche remains a mystery. Felines are said to be typical creatures. In addition, felines are independent,  inquisitive, hunters and easily made jealous. It is being mentioned that cats can be deceptive and foolish in nature. Yet, they are obedient, loving, sweet, calm, fearful, persistent, and courageous. Despite these major traits, cats are said to be individualistic creatures. Thus, they love to go social. However, they have diverse personal characteristics. For every breed, there are general terms of psychological representation  that are slightly unchanging and realistic. Still, this belief can be false in the next generations. In the cat’s psychological maze or labyrinth, a cat steps with carefulness even if the feline is aware of the patterns involved. Thus, cats are keen with every step they make. Intelligent. Felines have ample and very advanced cerebral hemisphere. The Brain development in cat is quick and is more or less complete within the young age of five months. Furthermore, the normal growth of The brain depends on the stimuli being experienced by the kitten.
The cat is endowed with the gift of resistance to pain, even if it is experiencing great physical pain. The coat enables the cat not to be sensitive in high temperatures. Thus it is capable of resisting heat and cold. Some cats, however, become aggressive if a wound is touched or if being applied with injection, especially if using syringe.

Hierarchy exists among cats. This can be seen through the way how your cat positioned itself. For instance, a cat looks for the highest possible location to sit in. a happy cat is gained when the   owner considers  his  cat to  be the  dominator. Otherwise,  the cat e xhibits aggressive behaviors. Cats can also be egotist. Every cat is individual in its world, thus  they manage to be alone. Yet, when cats live together, it is because they develop a neighboring and brotherhood relationship. Another proof of cats’ egotistic nature is that they can hunt alone. Unlike other animals that elect leaders, cats never do. In addition, cats can easily adapt to the changes in its environment because they learn through their experiences. For instance, the ability to hunt occurs when a mother is a good hunter. She teaches her little felines various techniques for a good hunt. A cat is not interested in great things, rather pays attention to things that are related to its own interests. The cat loves human presence and it will always seek for caress and tenderness.
A cat is full of pride and propriety and learns without fawning. A cat learns something like opening a door, giving a paw, sitting in front of a bowl of food, playing dead, rolling on the floor at command, or simply going to fetch an object. A cat has the ability to allow itself to master something, especially cats with the ages four to five months old. Otherwise, cats that reached maturity refuses to obey because they might consider entertainments as nonsense. Cats also use their initiative like knocking on window to get in, or grabbing doorknobs to get out, hiding food in boxes, opening refrigerators to eat. At the age of five to six months, a cat plays, jumps, and uses his curiosity to discover life and his environment.

Cats are inconsistent. For instance, a cat sleeps in a location and on the next sleeping time, it finds another location to rest. A cat may eat one kind of food. And for a definite time it refuses to eat his food and rather look for another. However, it is consistent in its warmth to people. In its psyche flourishes a fight to any change in its family, territory, or habit. If another cat enters its territory, the old cat will usually pretend to hunt the new one, or it will ignore it, showing no interest. Cats are curious yet they are aware of a ball in motion, strange objects, and other obvious things. Nevertheless, it ignores things larger than itself  like dogs. Yet it defends it self. A cat has a long-term memory. Thus, it will be able to recognize the mistreats and treats. A cat goes away from home and returns back using their ability to recognize the place by noises and odors.
Just like dogs, horses, donkeys and birds, cats re sensitive in the weather. Thus, they show signs of nervousness and depression when a storm is fast approaching. A cat, before rainfall, will appear tensed and thus, it seeks shelter. However, it is false to say that a cat can tell that a storm is about to come, because the cat’s ability to feel  with respect to the  atmosphere has no scientific bases. Yet, there is a statement “when a cat puts its paw into its ear, it’s a sign of rain or change in atmosphere. This had been observed by farmers.  Cats dislike water because their fur cannot protect them against it. This is because its coat does not have a layer of protective fat. Its fur protects it from cold but cannot adapt to water. In addition, a cat doesn’t know how to shake of excess water and free itself from humidity when trying to dry itself.


Cat Lore

Egyptian Goddess Bast
Egyptian Goddess Bast

When and where exactly the cats were first domesticated is unknown; its because various breeds of cats were originated and tamed in different parts of the globe. There are some evidences  showing  that cats were perhaps first domesticated in Pre-Columbian Florida. Some believed that the Lake Dwellers kept house cats about 2000 B.C. Sanskrit writings 3,000 years old speak of cats as pets in India. Nonetheless, it was in Egypt that cats first came to the attention of what was then the civilized world.

The Egyptian household cats appear to have been closely related to the African wild cats, Felis ocreata, and Felis lybica. The Egyptian Mau cats looked like the Abyssinian, yet a little larger. They guard the field near the Nile from rodents. The Egyptian cats sanctified  the cat goddess Bast, sometimes Pasht, Ubasted, or Bubatis. She is depicted by a cat’s head and a woman’s body. She is also the goddess of  moonlight, fertility, wisdom, and hunting. Thus, one of the six major cities of Lower Egypt, Bubastis, was dedicate to her. The Bible also mentions the city by the name Pisbeseth, in Ezekiel 30; 13, 17.

Moreover, according to Herodotus, the murder of cats could be punishable to death in Egypt. When a cat dies, the owner mourns and the cat’s body would be mummified. During the embalming of cats, an embalmed mouse is placed next to the cat. Over 300,000 cat mummies were uncovered in 1890 in Tel Basta while a few of them can be seen in some American and Egyptian museums. They were still enclosed in their cases of engraved wood or wrapped in colored, intertwined straw, and wrapped in rich bandages of different colors. Faces were covered with masks of which the nose, eyes, ears, and whiskers can be seen. But, these sacred corpses were later used as fertilizers, most particularly the belief fade out. The worship of the Bast gradually began to decline after 350 A.D., and completely forgotten after the imperial decree to decline after 390 A.D.

However, during the Dark Ages and until the past two centuries, gave way to spread hatred and killing, because cats were associated with the old religion, that’s during the Pre-Christian Polytheism and Animism, and Witchcraft. Demonologists suggest that cats were the favorite familiars of witches. Thus, cats were put on trial before their owners. Some were burned alive. Such cruelty remained for long. Likewise, a man who has committed a crime would be punished through drowning him in a sack filled with irritated and hungry cats. Thus, a criminal dies not because it looses breathing but because of the scratches of the cats claws. Cats were also used for good lucks. They were fastened alive in the foundations of the buildings. Furthermore, the Western World has always considered cats a high value of the household and  the theft and murderers of the felines would be punished.

Cats were used as exchanged material for pure silk between Asia and Europe. They used cats because they are believed to be symbol of peace, fortune, and family serenity because of the beauty they possess. Before and even today, divine powers are attributed to the cats. It is also believed that from that time on, its soul speaks to the Buddha in favor of the owner that lives on earth. Remains of ceramic statues of Asiatic cats served as evidences to how the cats were highly regarded. Behind the statues’ hollow eyes are small oil lamps that would remind the mice that their enemies were awake and ready to catch them anytime. Since cats were active during nights, many Asiatic houses placed images of cats outside their houses. This ability to see clearly in the dark  made them useful to hold spirits at bay. According to legend, the more hairless the household cats, the more fortune the owner would gain. Buddhists prized the cats ability for meditation.

It has been a Hindu tradition to feed a cat who is at the present state of hunger. According to legend, the first Japanese cat appeared in 999 in Kyoto’s imperial palace. From that moment, cats were cherished, honored, and were given the attention as much as the lapdogs were. The felines were loved, pleased, and treasured for their beauty. Because cats were not allowed to hunt, the unhunted rodents grew in number. However, it was on the17th century when cats were already permitted to hunt prey. It was also foretold that Mohammed owned a female feline named Mnezza. This legend speaks of  how Mohammed tore his gellata to where his cat was stretching, so as not to disturb it from a sleep

Aesop was the Greek fabulist of the sixteenth century B.C., who discoursed novels about animals, especially cat tales with regards to their relationship with man. Many centuries later the Latin writer Fedro improved Aesop’s style in writing. Great personalities like the Greek historian Herodotus (480 B.C.), the Roman orator Cicero(106 B.C.), and the chronicler Pliny the Elder (23 B.C.) also wrote about cats.

At the beginning of the Renaissance, when the darkness of the middle ages was coming to an end, the Italian poet Francesco Petrarch publicly proclaimed  his love for cats.  He lived his life together with his cat and died in 1374 resting his head over an open book for the desire to comfort the cat. Furthermore, the remains of the cat were preserved in a museum in Padua in memory of the poet. Torquato Tasso, an Italian poet who wrote adorable sonnet for his cat in 1590. The sonnet was all about the comparison between the cat’s eyes and the stars, invoking the stars in heaven to give light on the page to dedicate his last poem in life. He was old and miserable, almost blind and didn’t even have the money to buy a lamp oil. The “Gattomachia” or “Battle Among Cats” was written by the cat lover 16th century Spanish dramatist Lope de Vega. The poem was an arrogant poem in which the virtues possessed by the felines are praised and the defects of men are snubbed.

The fabulist of 1600, with the leading French school La Fontaine, imitators of Aesop and Fedro, followed by Charles Perrault who was the author of “Puss in Boots” and “Cinderella”. He always treated cats to be characters oh his stories, representing man, depicting man’s defeats as well as their insincerity, their failures, and laziness. His style of writing somewhat criticizing man while he joke with his pen. The French naturalist Geoges Louis Leclere de Buffon, who lived in the mid-1700s, was knowledgeable about animals. In his Histoire Naturelle, he expressed judgments on the cat, describing it as “an unfaithful domestic, that we keep only out of necessity”. However, Ferdinando Galicani, man of letters, economist, and an Italian diplomat at the French court, acknowledged, “I had never found anyone who had profoundly studied the intimate character of cat, and that which was written about it was the fruit of supposition and acrimony.”

French poet Charles Baudelaire of the 1800s was a famous author of the collection of verses “The Flowers of Evil” who discovered the pleasure of the cat. He described how he felt while touching his fingers across its head, the elastic back, especially the body of a female feline resembling the feeling to be in contact with women. He mentioned in hi collection, “Come, my beautiful cat, unto my loving heart---pull back your claws and let me lose myself in your beautiful eyes----medley of sapphire and agate.” The writer of short stories, Guy de Maupassant’s last name starts with “mau” which means “cat” in Egyptian. He treated cats rather like carnal animals. He wrote, “I felt against my check the hollow and vibrant side in a continual hum, and sometimes, a stretched paw rested on my mouth, five out stretched nails pierced me, then immediately drew back in.”

Among  the various literary lovers of the cats was Francois Rene de Chateaubriand (1768-1848). He wrote a literary work entitled “Beyond The Grave”, wherein he mentioned about his contract with a cat as being one of the most important events of his journey life. He also disagreed and doubted Georges Louis Leclerc de Buffon, a cat hater’s theory. Inspired Francois’ work, Pope Leone XII to send him a red marble cat as a gift. He wrote, “I love in the cat the supreme indifference and dignity with which it can carry itself from salons to gutters…” the famous French Cardinal, Richelieu, also loved cats. In fact, he always hosted cats at his table, and after his death, he left a great sum of money so that his cats will be well taken care of even without him.

Other prominent French cat-lovers of the 19th century include Alexander Dumas who was an owner of a private zoo. He was given the title, “Defense Lawyer of the Cats of the World”. Another is George Sand, who eats breakfast with his cat on the same plate. Victor Hugo fashioned an armchair for his cat. Other cat lover are the poet Jean Cocteau and writer Colette who photo-portrait the cat. Shakespeare also mentioned cats in his play, “the Merchant of Venice” and “Henry V”. Nobel-Priced winner, Rudyard Kipling wrote many things about cats. Another Nobel-Price winner was Albert Scheiter, who after being with leapers, and relaxed by playing the organ and going the hospital with cats. Other cat lovers were as follows: Montaigne, Merimee, Sardou, Eliot, and Hemingway.

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