Be Careful! Virus Could Be On Twitter!

Virus Alert! friends, just be careful about spam messages from twitter users you are following or who are following you because you might not know they could be hacked accounts.

[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="454" caption="Twitter phishing scam may be spreading."][/caption]
Twitter virus is being spread by a direct message talking about some kind of “funny blog about you” or “Hey, I found a website with your pic on it… LOL check it out here http:// twitterblogaccesslogins. com/login”.  This message seems to be coming from multiple hacked accounts.  Read More.

I have encountered the same spam messages from my Friendster and Multiply accounts, and I heard there is also a similar virus attack in Facebook on December 2008. Read Here. Glad I wasn't a Facebook user until 2009.


Get More Followers On Twitter In Just A Short Span Of Time!

If getting more followers in just a wrinkle of a time is your thing, then TweeterGetter is just the right twitter client for you and your tweets.

Though my browser WOT tells me that TweeterGetter is not an excellent web against web bugs, online scams, identity theft, spyware, spam, and viruses, I think you should dig on it, and Digg it! Besides you only visit the web ones and Eureka in just a few days, you'll have number of people following you on your Twitter.

As for me? Nay! I need not many, I only need few. But if you follow me on my twitter, I would follow you in return. Reciprocity is a virtue.

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