I’m not sure though if I’m the only one with this problem, since I cannot ask my neighbors about their Internet. It’s just that I don’t have friends here. Well. I do but only a few people, just a few. The rest are strangers to me, although I see them everyday, memorize the details of their faces and everything like that. We just don’t converse in a deep level, only in superficial level or what we call the cliché conversation like “Hi” or “Hello.”
So what I have to do is just wait within 24-48 hours. Oh God
The Internet has been a part of my homeostasis for long time now. Every time I wake up I open my pc right away and google my way to blogs and news for the day, update my social networks like Facebook and Twitter. And just as before I go to sleep in the evening I am still googling. And now it’s just different because there is no Internet. It’s just not the same without it.
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