Love in itself is perfect, but it has been tainted and contaminated with humanity’s imperfection. When love is exercised by humans, it becomes imperfect. We aren’t humans experiencing spiritual experiences, but spiritual people experiencing the amazing human condition. But we see things the other way around. We were conditioned to believe that we are nothing more than human beings capable of experiencing all human conditions such as pain, anger, frustration, disgust, happiness, joy, excitement and so on without realizing that we are more than that. The only reason why we experience human condition is due to this conditioning—a linear thinking wherein our mind is not initially branded for. This conditioning is the culprit to all types of emotional dysfunction.
Love is perfect. Loving someone is almost perfect, if one doesn’t love back, it is incomplete but still, the love is genuine. If the other party loves back, it is what defines completeness, not perfect but still genuine. Love can only be perfect with the coexistence of equity. What defines justice is the mere fact that what I offer, I shall also get. If I offer this much, I should and must get the same amount of energy. If I love this much, the same amount of love I shall get. This is the notion of perfection and justice, but this isn’t genuine. For me there is no such thing as a perfect love while experiencing the human condition because no one can truly love someone in the same amount the other party has given.
“Loving someone is like holding sand. Grasp it tightly then it slips from your fingertips until you loosen your hold, and you are left in the cold. Loving you is knowing you’re free to stay or go away.” Loving someone is not about owning a person. A person is a separate entity. We have boundaries that define our individuality. We cannot expect the people we love to be there forever. We all go through different paths. I have my own to make, as they have their own to make too.
While undergoing the human condition, we are all separate individuals. When we are in a spiritual experience—that is experiencing our own spirituality in a trance—we all become one. We are no longer separate but one and in unity with the universe. Sex is union between man and woman, where they are in unity with all nature and universe. Lust is a human condition, but sexual intercourse together with the love we feel with the one who we are united with is a spiritual experience. In sexual intercourse, we are spirits in a spiritual trance. Sex is holy. Pornography has changed this universal principle. Pornography is a violation and a deliberate offensive act to our own spirituality.
Who does this? Humans do, not the spirit. Hence, our humanity is in constant battle with our spirituality, when they shouldn’t be in the first place. It is the body that feels lust, but it is the spirit that loves. I am not saying that we should deny our desires because that would be denial to our individuality. Both entities must coordinate together because they are both interconnected and hence interdependent with one anther.
Perfection, perfect love, absolute and genuine love is possible only in the spirit but not in the human flesh. The flesh is merely a separate aesthetic tool with its own limited awareness. The spirit is the perfect transcendental entity of the highest awareness, capable of infinite possibilities. The spirit is boundless, limitless, and infinite.
The body, which brings about our humanity must be in coordination with the spirit to reach this so called peak experience. Buddhists call this a “satori” or an “aha!” experience where everything seems transparent before our eyes. It is like looking at the world and the worlds beyond worlds in God’s eyes. The mystery of the existence of God has been unlocked. God is within us. He ain’t somewhere in heaven or nirvana as places of the afterlife, but in all of us.
God is Zero. God is Love. Love is Zero. Love is nothing. Love is everything. People are connected in love and in God.
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