I finished reading Peck's book, and i have moved on to the next book by U.S. Anderson, but i haven't read the next chapter since i began reading the prior chapters last week. its not that i have not the time, but because i feel inspirited as if my soul has been taken away from me, but of course im just exagerating...dude...
My Spiritual Trascendence
The Red Book
Veronika decides to die (2009) movie trailer
From my favorite book to my favorite movie, Veronika decides to die once again.
Delaying Gratification
An example of delaying gratification is when I am eating the puto (cake) first before the cheese in a puto cheese, because I like the cheese better. Another example is when I am checking test papers right after giving my students examination, because I want to enjoy other things than prolong the agony of checking papers (lol). But sometimes I cannot delay gratification due to the fact that I am a procrastinator, which means that I do not make use of my time very well. It's such a sad thing that I'm big fat procrastinator, with the internet as my creative tool for procrastination. *sigh
But now I am trying really hard to make use of my time better, practice time management which I can only do through discipline and pleasure delay. I know this sounds like a new year resolution but I don't want to think of it that way because of the fact that resolutions are only made to be broken. So I'd rather think about it as a future resolve to my procrastination, which I am trying really hard to get used to with.
Okay let's just say I am an substance addict trying to make a better life by being sober, trying to prevent relapse from happening, or a medical patient calling medical attention to cure my disease, or a manic depressive undergoing psychotherapy to relieve me from my depression.
Quantum Physics Explanation of The Secret
I've learned to be patient
Perhaps we do not know how the law of attraction works, however, based on previous experiences the universe revealed to me an important principle the law of the universe follows. When you want something and believe in your mind without single doubt that you will get what you want, then you will grasp it. But how does it work?
The Law operates under the principle of space and time. Both space and time are abstract principles for the reason that both cannot be felt or seen. Although what we see outside earth is called space, the word merely means "empty" therefore, in the grounds of logic, empty is anything that cannot be seen since there is nothing there. It's void, null and empty. It is nothing.
Yesterday, I woke up very late but was able to catch up with time through haste, and was able to ride the jeepney. The traffic was okay until we reached highway fatima where traffic was displeasing. On the moment I called upon the law of attraction, and did not question or doubt a bit. However due to my free will, which call upon abandonment to the law, I have finally chosen a fate/road for which the universe has opted me to choose among options. I have chosen what I think is the easiest and smartest way to be able to reach my destination on time. I was merely acting on my instinct to do something rather than wait for a miracle.
So, I got off the jeepney and decided walking in the hopes of reaching my destination before my class starts. While I just got off, traffic became fixed okay!
Because of my free will I came to class late for two minutes.
Had I stayed inside the jeepney, I would have arrived at my destination earlier.
In other words, time is a basic truth for which the law of attraction operates at. Had I been patient and waited for its power to actualize, I would have gotten what I wanted. On the contrary, I followed a different path. Fate exists but we still make our own destiny. Even if an individual is already predetermined as to the road he must take, he/she has free will for which is innate in him/her. This free will influences his/her destiny. Hence, man and woman alike, creates his/her destiny.
What I learned in that experience is to be patient and wait for the perfect time. There is a reason why time is existent. Without it, the world will be in chaos.
My Existential Death and Rebirth
As to my dead, yes I have died not a physical death but on emotional and spiritual aspects. The first time I fell in love was also the first time (which I am conscious of) I died on the emotional aspect. It was too painful that I died but then after my death there was a new life. Erick Fromm wrote "..and what will amaze you even more, throughout life one must learn to die." Hence, it was as if I have been conceived the second time of which my creator before my conception already predetermined my essense as an individual. With the new life that was given to me, a new goal not anymore on the bases of my own illusions. After the pain was new life. I started letting go and moving own and I did it not only to free the other party but especially to free my self.
The second time I died was when I joined the Facilitator Circle of which I became an active member, but before my membership I whole-heartedly faced the challenges necessary for me to undergo for it was an SOP in the organization for its future members/facilitators. Within the two year training I died many times for being in pain means dying. From there I freed my self from all that's preventing me to my own self-actualization and individuation. One is the fact that I have been manipulated by the people around me and worst is that I allowed them to manipulate me. I became active for two years and started to gradually cut my self due to a new realization against the organization it self. I still love the organization because it has been a family to me and forever will be, but I have made a decision to be in a low profile. I realized that its about time I let go, and move forward to independence from the herd and figure the world for my self. The fact that if I will limit my self to it, I cannot progress further and instead be stagnant and even regress. I notice that some members are stagnating themselves unconsciously and others are regressing. Some members do not the understand our principles for which I do claimed to have understood. Perhaps that's another reason for my departure.
The third time I died was when I have chosen to give up my own religion. In other words, I have no exclusive religion, although I was raised Catholic. I died spiritually but then I was reborn the third time. Because to question the every existence of God is a actually path to spiritual growth. It is ideally essential to every human being to question in order for truth to be realized. Many are called to join the effort but only a few are chosen, and perhaps only a few have responded to the call. Just like the rest of the Philosophers and Psychologists, they too have there own story, and been to spiritual death in order to grow again spiritually. I am now on the process of knowing something I considered truth, but this search for truth is a never ending search. What I claim truth now, I believe the universe openned me to it. It's like a slap to my face, yes, painful to know the truth, because truth hurts. But the more it hurts, the more I am tolerant to pain. The once difficult is now becoming easy and easier.
So that's my story.
And I would probably die again soon....
I know I haven't been here lately. I was busy with other things--other things, which include the internet, books, school, and work. Lately I have been challenging my self to other things that has something to do with arts in particular. However, it seems to me like I have regressed than progressed in the sense that I haven't started a single work of art (usually painting), the same way I have not written on The Aspirants blog and here. I lost it, and I want it back. I feel so sucky now. However, I took this picture just to see if I still have it. I'm rather surprised by this one, though its not at all perfect, it looks great--at least for me i think it does.
Carl Gustav Jung - Modern Man in Search of a Soul, 1933. Published by Routledge & Kegan Paul, translated by Cary Baynes, Chapter IX, The Basic Postulates of Analytical Psychology.
The spirit of the age cannot be compassed by the processes of human reason. It is an inclination, an emotional tendency that works upon weaker minds, through the unconscious, with an overwhelming force of suggestion that carries them along with it. To think otherwise than our contemporaries think is somehow illegitimate and disturbing; it is even indecent, morbid or blasphemous, and therefore socially dangerous for the individual. He is stupidly swimming against the social current. Just as formerly the assumption was unquestionable that everything that exists takes its rise from the creative will of a God who is spirit, so the nineteenth century discovered the equally unquestionable truth that everything arises from material causes. Today the psyche does not build itself a body, but on the contrary, matter, by chemical action, produces the psyche. This reversal of outlook would be ludicrous if it were not one of the outstanding features of the spirit of the age. It is the popular way of thinking, and therefore it is decent, reasonable, scientific and normal. Mind must be thought to be an epiphenomenon of matter. The same conclusion is reached even if we say not “mind” but “psyche”, and in place of matter speak of brain, hormones, instincts or drives. To grant the substantiality of the soul or psyche is repugnant to the spirit of the age, for to do so would be heresy.
'Creation' Movie Trailer
Surreal Design
This was the logo design I made for a local symphonic metal band that was never pursued, Surreal. I guess those guys had finally made their choice to go on their separate ways and forget what they have dreamed of. Now Surreal is lost somewhere in their memories. I had so much anticipation for this band, and it was a rather flattering to have been chosen to design the band logo, and perhaps their first EP. But like I said, its all im memory now. Gosh! Those guys wrote crazy but really beautiful songs.