attempting to vlog..

a vlog a.k.a. vidblog is a short slang for video blog or video blogging. from the word itself its a video journal. you scrap the writing and instead speak out your thoughts in front of a video camera. so it's like talking to a camera or to a computer that is if you are using the web cam, or that camera installed on your laptop or your macbook or iphone.

so i had several attempts for vlog or a vidblog but i really suck on video. haha i guess i wouldn't be having one for now. it's just that i don't have anything to say, and it really sucks. gosh i suck. dude! how many times will i ever mention the word suck in a day?

anyway, if you are a vlogger, you might as well consider this website to improve your videos, make more audience and comments.



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