Am I in love or what? or am I just at the height of my emotional arousal to even ask this kind of stupid question?
Talk about heightened emotion, last monday night I was so bombarded with noise and stress. My students were the noisiest. While I look at them, listen to them, I felt that they haven't reached maturity. I know its very wrong to look at them that way, but I lost my patience, and I cannot contain my emotions anymore. So I gave them my piece. I told them how they are similar to elementary students, or worse than elementary students who cannot even shut their mouth up. I was really pissed that I lost my composure. After the class, they asked for a group picture which I denied, and instead told them "kamu lang, wala ko sa mood." I hate turning them down like that, but I was already at the height of my emotions and I was on the edge of hardly containing them.
I so wanna apologize with what I did. I'm sure they understand, because I can see it from their faces. Hai naku, I just wanna forget about it.
I know I have been very busy lately I that all I wanna do is have a time for my self to reflect about me and the things I did, enjoy a moment with my self, and be vain for a while. So here is another justification of my vanity, and my crazy-creativeness. LOL
uhhh uhm..which reminds me of my narcissistic nature..Oh Freud what have you done!?
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