The Gate

the gate

the putrid breathe of the dead she smells
upon the rock where rested her lover's grave
she stood still as she reads his epitaph
but she's trying to be tough
fighting the lies from her tears
forgetting her frightful childhood fears
to be left behind by the love of her life
she knows that he was a sacrifice
that she cant afford to leave behind
destiny's cruelty she ought to mind
but she never did so
she failed to fight and find the foe
the weakness in her heart makes her strong
but not enough for revenge to tag along
she believes not in death but in everlasting life
the life that was promised by the light
just before her wings turned black
and thrown in the earth's withered ground
they were so madly deeply in love
but they were trapped in the illusions of luck
a mortal and an immortal lovers can never end up together
but still they struggled to fight forever
and they traveled the dimness of the night
amidst the darkness they knew that they weren't alone
the eyes of the enemy were fixed on them
yet they fought every snare the enemy makes
surrounded by the remains of the temple
they prayed that someday they will surpass them all
and finally reach the gates of the immortal call
never did they fear that they may go on separate ways
because of their strong love that always lays
firmly they walked through the gate
so that they will not miss the sacrosanct date
and there his lover was taken away
among the others who lost their way..

© 2007 | jeelchristine poem

Inspired by  "AH MY GODDESS: The Movie"



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