March Resolution

Good morning. I will start my day happy and end it happy. Today I am at the library waiting for my students. They are late again. I don't wanna flare up ever. So, I'm just gonna chill. If they don't come, they miss half of their lives that they could have experienced with me. Aside from that, they would miss seeing me stunning with my new outfit, which I will be posting later. Another is, they are gonna miss my in depth discussion on the topic that I am about to discuss.

Speaking of the new topic, below is the power point presentation I made, and which can be downloaded on my SlideShare.

My Sweet Escape

sleep, my only sweet escape
should You allow me this gift forever
in this sweet and merciful embrace
like wings of iridescent splendor wrap around me
like in the tranquility and security of a mother's womb
i shall be forlorn and down in the dumps no longer
for in slumber all my dreams come true
not even destiny has power over me
in your might, grant me my sweetest escape


Fallen #books

I had no idea that this book's gonna lead me to angels and other angelic forms. I loved the book because I haven't really read anything like this.

I loved how the story involves fallen angels, and reincarnation in Hindu Philosophy. Also, I love the fact that both the main characters loved each other.

Finally, his lips came down on hers with an urgency that took her breath away. He kissed her as if she belonged to him, as naturally as if she were some long-lost part of him that he could at last reclaim. [sigh] :)

I loved the second book in the series, especially because their love story reminded me of Richard and Kahlan of The Sword of Truth Series.

When Daniel kissed her, Luce knew in her bones that he was her past. Folded into his embrace, she was desperate for him to remain her present. But the second their lips parted, she couldn’t really be sure he was her future. -Torment, Lauren Kate

Clay In A Dug

i had a dream that i was floating in a silent murky stream
my head looked up above the purple aeolian sky
i saw a nightingale beauty with its feathers lustered like stars
a voice that dozed me to somber, a squall in ail
as the moon with its virulent fangs bit the bird to its demise
the gloom that cowered with it clothed me like silk
and consumed me like a scrumptious grub
a thought clouded me that i was that beauty
and what became of me is a clay dropped in a dug


just another of my random thoughts

Wow. I finished three books in six consecutive days. I feel so alive than i have ever been. Although this effin ex-boyfriend-having-a-new-girlfriend-thoughts still keep bugging ones in a while and most of the time this week. i don't wanna be one of those people who gets all bent out of shape when the ex boyfriend gets a new girlfriend. i wanna be better than that. i don't wanna be all selfish with him because i want him to be happy if getting a new love makes him happy then so be it. what i really hate is that he has been avoiding me recently because of my actions that he misunderstood. because he believed that i am pushing him away. i know i can be distant and cold sometimes but i'm not pushing him away. it's sad and the thought of it makes me sad again. it effin sucks. i wish this feelings pass in a wrinkle of time--in a snap of my finger...

i know he sang that song again---that song he sang previously for me. why would he sing that song again? it would be an insult for me if he sang it for somebody else when that song brings back so much memory. was the song for me? i don't know. i sure hope so. a part of me wants to think that it still was for me. i know, but maybe i am a fool because i still believe in what i want to believe. i believe in us the same way Bill Compton believes that their's hope of Sookie and him. shesh! i don't wanna be all bookwormish and i-believe-in-fairy-tales-person, but i cannot help it of i'm all that now. since i have been reading fiction recently.

Oh well. Life sucks but even so, life is still beautiful, in a sense that i still get to shop for the things i want and my mom supports me in that. there is in fact therapy in shopping. i have been doing that since four months ago, i think. and recently i have been eating a lot. i'm back to be all voluptuous again, which is good. thanks for my mom and for me for taking care of me. bless me.

Vampyr craze!

Hey yah! It sucks to feel sorry of me. It sucks to be me. It ain't easy to be  me. I wish I had been another person, a different person, a person that he would be kissing and hugging, a person that he would be loving for the rest of his life. But I am me. I shouldn't be someone else. If we are for each other, then we will be with each other's arms someday.

My goodness, I am so obsessed with The Vampire Diaries, and I'm loving Fallen too....because of you.... Paul Wesley. ♥

Series cast summary:
Nina DobrevNina Dobrev...
Paul WesleyPaul Wesley...
Ian SomerhalderIan Somerhalder...
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